After trying these crispy baked Jerusalem artichoke chips they might just be your new favourite snacking food. Especially when topped with some creamy feta and just a sprinkle of dill. If you have never had them before I would describe it as a nuttier tasting potato. Absolutely Delicious

So lets get into what a Jerusalem Artichoke actually is
First, it has nothing to do with Jerusalem and is actually a native vegetable of North America. Second, is it not related to the common artichoke either. So why the name? Early Italian settlers called it “Girasola Articiocco” which translates to “Sunflower Artichoke” because they thought it tasted like artichokes. I do not get that flavour at all but try it out and you be the judge
These also go by another name which has become the more “modern” name which is sunchokes. I guess the marketing team got tired of trying to explain what they are and again how they have nothing to do with artichokes or Jerusalem.

Side note, people who are diabetic who can not have a lot of starch because it causes spikes in blood pressure will love the fact that these do not contain any starch but will give the satisfaction of having a super crispy potato chip
Here are the four super simple steps on how to make these:
- Give them a good scrub. They grow in the ground just like potatoes and will no doubt have extra dirt on them. (No need to peel) Pat dry with paper towels
- With a mandolin slice thin and add to a large bowl. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper
- Spread onto a parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes or until golden and crispy
- Toss with a finishing sea salt and sprinkle with feta and dill

I think most of us can agree that even when we are trying to be our healthiest we all love to snack and these artichoke chips are a great healthy alternative
I am currently eating (snacking) on some green mango with tajin because I have developed a slight addiction to tajin since coming to Mexico. It’s hard not to snack when I am sitting here writing about food and while the food network is playing in the background. Watching a cooking show in the morning will have you craving Memphis style BBQ at 10am let me tell you

I wonder how much time I spend thinking about food on any given day. Are you like me and are thinking about dinner even when you are having lunch? Or does that make me strange? For example I was having a delicious zucchini and sun-dried tomato frittata for breakfast and was already thinking about these beautiful rainbow carrots I got from the market yesterday how I am going to roast them up for lunch and pair with a greek yoghurt feta dip. Recipe to come! But food is what I love and I guess that is true with anything that you love … you end up thinking about it a lot
So if you happen to find this delicious item at the market make sure to give this recipe a try.

Jerusalem Artichoke Chips With Feta
- Jerusalem Artichokes
- Olive Oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Feta
- Dill
- Wash and scrub the Jerusalem artichokes. Dry with paper towels
- Toss in a bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper. Line on a baking tray and bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until golden and crispy
- Remove and toss with a little extra salt and pepper if needed
- Top with crumbled feta and dill
Sounds delish, not sure I’ll find sunchokes here in rural NB!
But I’ll try!
They are not the easiest to find. It’s a shame because they are so delicious.